case study

Kaleidoscope Returns to Jamaica

What they needed

Kaleidoscope is a Trinidadian paint company that was seeking to launch their brand in a big way on Jamaican soil. They needed to build connections with the critical stakeholders and potential clients, as well as create brand awareness through media exposure and content.

Services used

•  Event Planning & Management
•  Public Relations

what we did

We helped Kaleidoscope introduce themselves to Jamaica in a big way by planning and executing their brand launch. We secured high profile guests and media coverage, provided staffing and wrote speeches for key speakers at the event.

Additionally, we managed press on the day, ensuring that media houses got the material they needed and scheduled the necessary interviews and photo opportunities for brand managers, executives and other important guests.

Finally, we made sure to distribute relevant press releases and secure critical magazine, online and print features that ensured the brand’s message went far beyond the launch event.

Media features

Coverage in Panache Magazine