purity bakery ipo

What they needed
Purity is one of Jamaica’s biggest names when it comes to delicious, tasty baked goods. So it came as no surprise when their parent company, Consolidated Bakeries (Jamaica) Limited announced that they would be going public and listing on the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE), and they needed a strong IPO event worthy of the media attention they’d be sure to get.

Services used
• Public Relations
• Media Relations
• Event Management

what we did
Purity enlisted us to assist with sharing its IPO to the general investing public and persuading prospects to purchase shares. Our team worked with Stocks & Securities Limited, the broker for the IPO, to create key messages to ultimately build confidence in potential investors.

We also organized the details of the listing ceremony and handled all media relations throughout. At the announcement event held by Purity, we arranged strategic photo opportunities with Purity Directors and key industry personnel and coordinated with media houses to secure features and business articles after the successful event.